Heiko Wolfgang Ryll | Photographer, Guide & Educator

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Breaking Through Creative Block


Never be Blocked again and learn a secret about coming up with ideas and getting into the "Creative Flow".

Some days you wake up and don’t feel overly creative which makes generating ideas super frustrating. Others in your field seem to always come up with new, amazing projects, but your creative juices are suffering a drought.

Creativity is a learned skill.

We can train ourselves to be more creative by using simple techniques to retrain our brain to allow those thoughts to come out. We tend to make things more difficult than they actually need to be. Chances are you’re struggling with creative solutions just like I have in the past…

  • Why did this seem so easy to come up with, did I miss something?

  • I can’t just come up with ideas on the spot, I need more time.

  • haven’t been feeling creative for over a week now, how am I going to be able to finish this project?

  • All my ideas are so generic and boring.

It’s so easy to get wrapped up in negative thinking, stalling projects and feeling constantly blocked creatively.

BUT the good news is…

You’ve been preparing to solve creative problems since the day you were born.

At the heart of it, creativity is really just problem solving. It’s easy to complicate and misinterpret the problem itself, and it’s human nature to do so. So how can you get “unstuck” if you’ve been conditioned from past projects to approach problems like they’re more difficult than they actually are?

I’ve got just the thing, Introducing...



By the end of this course you will:

  • Define Creativity

  • Understand what a "Creative Idea" is.

  • Learn the two pathways of how the brain works.

  • Understand the difference between Strategies and Tactics and how to apply them to your situation.

  • Learn 2 tactics on how to break through "Creative Block"



This book changed my life and how I view “creativity”. Anyone who wants to be better at what they do need to read this book.

Pick it up HERE

This provocative book reveals why sitting in front of a light box can increase your creativity more than listening to a Bach concerto. Harvard psychologist Shelley Carson, Ph.D., explains that creativity isn't something only scientists, investors, artists, writers, and musicians enjoy; in fact, all of us use our creative brains every day at home and at work. Since its initial release, Your Creative Brain has been the recipient of several awards, including The Will Solimene Award for Excellence from the American Medical Writers Association, as well as the Living Now Book of the Year Award.


Module 1 - Creativity

What is Creativity?

Shift our mindsets away from the mystical word of Creativity to Problem Solving and now we can approach it entirely differently.

The process is going to take some un-learning bad habits that we have created for ourselves. The amazing thing about our brain is that is can be retrained. At any age.

I will introduce you to my process of working that I have been using for a long time.

What is a Creative Idea?

You are a unique database of knowledge and experiences. The more experiences we have, the more bits on information we can pull from to come up with ideas. Break out of your bubble and find something new to explore and then see how it can relate to what you do.

Module 2 - How the Brain Works

The Brain is a magical thing. It is always changing. Once we know how the brain works during idea generation we can start to manipulate it to our benefit.

There are two types of thinkers: Spontaneous and Deliberate.

If we borrow from the other style of thinker it can help us be faster and better idea creation machines.

Module 3 - Strategies and Tactics

The Brain is a magical thing. It is always changing. Once we know how the brain works during idea generation we can start to manipulate it to our benefit.

There are two types of thinkers: Spontaneous and Deliberate.

If we borrow from the other style of thinker it can help us be faster and better idea creation machines.

Module 4 - Tactics

The Power of the Pen

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